Response to Attacks on Confederate Symbols and History
T. Griffith
Rights Reserved
Recently I read with disappointment about
the changing of the name of Vanderbilt
University's Confederate
Memorial Hall on the grounds that the name "Confederate" is a
reminder of slavery and racism. As an American whose ancestors fought in the
Confederate army, and as someone who is proud of his Southern heritage, I am
increasingly saddened by the drive to portray any symbol, word, or historical
figure associated with the Confederacy as evil and hateful.
I should add that I also say this as someone
who has long supported affirmative action and minority set-asides, and as
someone who maintains a Web page to educate the public about the abuse that
many African Americans have suffered during much of our nation's history. I
also say this as someone who has been active in my community to oppose police
mistreatment of African Americans.
I'm an American who's proud of his nation and
its heritage, but that doesn't mean I have to defend everything my country has
said or done. For example, I regret the way the federal government, and
especially the federal army, treated the American Indians for decades in the
nineteenth century. Similarly, I'm proud of my Southern heritage and of my
Confederate ancestors, but I don't have to defend everything every Confederate
leader said or did.
When judged fairly and in the context of the
19th century, Confederate symbols are no more reminders of hate or racism than
is the Stars and Stripes. Slavery existed for much longer under the Stars and
Stripes than under the Confederate flag. Our original U.S. Constitution
permitted slavery, mandated the return of fugitive slaves, protected the slave
trade for 20 years, and only recognized African Americans as counting for
three-fifths of white men for the purpose of determining congressional
It was precisely because of these facts that
some early anti-slavery leaders denounced the Constitution, spurned the
American flag, and even burned the Constitution in public. One leading
abolitionist, William Lloyd Garrison, urged the state of Massachusetts
to secede from the Union. Garrison called the
Constitution "an agreement with hell." Garrison wanted no part of America, her
constitution, or her flag.
What do we say to militant American Indians
who don't like the American flag because to them it's a symbol of racism,
broken promises and outright genocide? Certainly one can understand their
feelings, but one would also hope they would be able to see the good our flag
Or how about the atrocious wage slavery and
child labor that existed in the Northern states, before, during and long after
the Civil War? Even some Northern observers noted that many Northern factory
workers were treated so badly that they were materially worse off than most
plantation slaves in the South. The North had its fair share of social
injustices. Yet, who in our day would seriously suggest that the Stars and
Stripes is a symbol of wage slavery and child labor,
even though those things existed for a long time under that flag?
Using the reasoning that is employed by
opponents of Confederate symbols and history, one would have to call for the
removal of the U.S.
flag from all official buildings and property. One would also have to call for
a ban on naming buildings and roads after such famous Union figures as William
Tecumseh Sherman and Ulysses S. Grant, both of whom were racists and one of
whom (Grant) used slave labor.
For that matter, Abraham Lincoln himself
held decidedly racist views about African Americans. He even supported efforts
to colonize them in foreign lands. Furthermore, during the war Lincoln repeatedly resisted the demand of the
“Radical Republicans” (as they were commonly called) that he turn
the war into a war against slavery. He
resisted this demand partly because slavery was still protected by the
Constitution and because four of the Union states were slave states. Lincoln only issued the
Emancipation Proclamation under intense pressure from the Radical Republicans
and only as a war measure that was designed to weaken the Confederacy. Lincoln didn't seriously
consider issuing the proclamation until federal forces were struggling on the
battlefield. Lincoln
told a former Congressman that one reason he issued the proclamation was that
he feared that if he didn't issue some kind of emancipation statement,
abolitionists in Congress were going to cut funding for military supplies. In
addition, when Lincoln
wrote the proclamation, he excluded all slaves who lived in areas that were
under federal control; the proclamation only applied to slaves who were in
Confederate territory. Northern abolitionists hoped the proclamation would lead
to a slave revolt that would cripple the Confederacy. Shortly before the war
began, Lincoln
supported a proposed constitutional amendment that would have made it
permanently impossible for the federal government to abolish slavery. Because of these and other facts, even a few
African-American scholars are critical of Lincoln.
For example, African-American author Lerone Bennett, an editor for Ebony
magazine, says, "There has been a systematic attempt to keep the American public
from knowing the real Lincoln and the depth of his commitment to white
supremacy." Bennett strongly criticizes Lincoln's
record on race and slavery in his book Forced Into
Glory: Abraham Lincoln's White Dream (Chicago:
Johnson Publishing Company, 2000).
Many people aren't aware that four of the
states that fought for the Union were slave
states. In addition, four of the states that joined the Confederacy did not
take part in the first wave of secession; they didn’t leave the Union because
of slavery but because they strongly objected to Lincoln's decision to use force against the
seceded states. Those states--Tennessee, Virginia, Arkansas and North Carolina--initially
rejected secession. They only seceded after Lincoln
made it clear he was going to use force to compel the Deep South states to
rejoin the Union.
What about the first seven Southern states
to secede, i.e., the Deep South states? Did
they secede only to preserve slavery? Did they put up such a fierce fight
simply because they wanted to keep their slaves? The vast majority of the
soldiers in the Confederate army were not slaveowners. At least 69
percent of Southern whites did not own slaves (and the figure was quite
possibly closer to 85 or 90 percent). So why did Confederate soldiers fight so
heroically against larger, better-fed, and better-equipped forces? Why did most
Southern civilians support the Confederate cause? And why, in the first
elections after the war, with the slaves freed and much of the South in ruins,
did Southern voters elect former Confederates in truly overwhelming numbers?
The answer is clear: Because the Deep South
didn't secede, and didn't fight, merely to preserve slavery. Although slavery was the chief factor that
led the Deep South to secede, it was by no
means the only factor. The Deep South feared that the Republicans, especially the
Radical Republicans, would seek to abolish slavery through illegal means and
without compensation. There were several
other important reasons that the Deep South decided to separate from the Union. Secession and the war were two different events
anyway—the causes of the one were not the causes of the other. Most Southerners expected that Northern
leaders would allow the South to leave in peace. The vast majority of Southerners, both in the
Deep South and in the Upper South, believed
they were fighting to resist aggression and to preserve their
It’s important to note, furthermore, that
the main dispute over slavery involved the extension of slavery into the
western territories, not the continuation of slavery where it already
existed. Most Republicans were not
opposed to the continuation of slavery in those states where it was already
established. Indeed, Lincoln’s cabinet was dominated by men who
had no interest in disturbing slavery where it already existed. Lincoln himself not only shared this view but
supported a proposed constitutional amendment that would have made it
permanently impossible for the federal government to abolish slavery.
The direct, immediate cause of the Civil War
was Lincoln's
refusal to allow the South to go in peace. If Lincoln had not decided to invade the South
in order to crush Southern independence, there would have been no war. In one
famous exchange between a captured Confederate soldier and Union troops, the
Union soldiers asked their prisoner if he was a slaveowner. He answered that he
wasn't, and that in fact he was rather poor. "Then why are you fighting
for the Confederacy?", they asked him.
"Because you're here," he replied. Civil War scholar Francis Springer
put it this way:
For stark truth,
the so-called "Civil War" ought to be called "The War for the
Destruction of the South." It was as much a war for destruction as any war
that was ever fought on this or on any other continent. It is surprising,
nevertheless, how often the question is asked, "What was the South
fighting for anyway?" and the usual answers are just as surprisingly vague
and involved. The real answer is quite simple. The South was fighting because
it was invaded. (Francis Springer, War for What?, Springfield,
Tennessee: Nippert Publishing, 1990, reprint, p. 132)
Few people know that some Confederate
leaders believed slavery was wrong and that many Southerners supported
emancipation. Even fewer people know
that key Confederate leaders were prepared to abolish slavery. General Robert
E. Lee, the Confederacy's leading general, early on urged the abolition of
slavery and said slavery was “a moral and political evil” years before the war. General Joseph E. Johnston, the second
highest ranking general in the Confederacy, disliked slavery and often called
it a “curse.” Another famous Confederate
general, Stonewall Jackson, wanted to see all the slaves freed and was known
for the kind, respectful way he treated people of color. Confederate general
Patrick Cleburne advocated emancipation for all slaves who would enlist in the
Confederate army, and twelve Confederate brigade and regimental commanders
supported this proposal, including General Daniel Govan, General John H. Kelly,
and General Marc Lowrey. Several Southern governors also supported emancipation
for slaves who served as Confederate soldiers.
Governor William Smith of Virginia,
Governor Joseph Brown of Georgia, Governor Milledge Bonham of South
Carolina, Governor Charles Clark of Mississippi,
and Governor Zebulon Vance of North
Carolina endorsed a resolution calling for
emancipation for all slaves who served faithfully in the Confederate army. Duncan Kenner, a prominent member of the
Confederate Congress and one of the South's largest slaveowners, supported
abolition very early in the war. Also, as early as 1862, the Confederate
Secretary of State, Judah Benjamin, proposed abolishing slavery in exchange for
European diplomatic recognition. Two years later, in 1864, President Jefferson
Davis and other Confederate leaders were prepared to abolish slavery to gain
European diplomatic recognition in order to save the Confederacy. I think these facts are important because
they show that independence was more important to top Confederate leaders than
the continuation of slavery.
As Americans we rightly repudiate the bad
things that have been done under our flag. We emphasize the good in our
heritage and symbols. Similarly, those who are proud of their Confederate
ancestors should be allowed to repudiate the negative aspects of their heritage
and symbols and to focus on the good thereof. Confederate symbols, names, and
historical figures do not necessarily have to remind anyone of slavery,
especially since the vast majority of Southerners did not own slaves, since
four of the eleven Confederate states did not secede over slavery, and since
Confederate leaders were prepared to abolish slavery in order to achieve
Southern independence. To many Southerners, Confederate symbols and names bring
to mind such noble principles as limited government, courage, sacrifice, honor,
loyalty, freedom, the rule of law, democratic government, a Jeffersonian
respect for state sovereignty, and faith in God.
I understand this is a sensitive issue for
some people. It's also a sensitive issue for those whose ancestors fought in
the Confederate army. It's also a sensitive issue for those who are offended by
the unceasing, unfair efforts to demonize everything associated with
Confederate heritage.
The Confederacy was a democratic nation.
Throughout the war, the South had a vigorous free press. The Confederacy held
free and fair elections during the war. Confederate postage stamps included the
images of George Washington, Thomas Jefferson, and Andrew Jackson. The
Confederate seal featured George Washington. After all, Confederate citizens
were still Americans; indeed, the official name of their new nation was the
Confederate States of America.
They believed they were preserving the true principles of American
constitutional government that the founding fathers had established, such as
limited government, states rights, low taxation, and the rule of law. They also
believed, and with some justification, that the North was increasingly
rejecting these principles. The Confederate Constitution was closely patterned
after the U.S. Constitution, and it included modifications that even some
Northern commentators conceded were improvements that made government more
responsible and more accountable to the people. Yes, the Confederacy permitted
slavery. So did the U.S. Constitution. So did four of the states that fought
for the Union, and for decades New England slave traders made fabulous fortunes
selling slaves to the South, Brazil, Cuba, and the West Indies. In addition, it’s often overlooked that the
Confederate Constitution permitted the admission of free states to the
Confederacy, banned the African slave trade, and allowed Confederate states to
abolish slavery within their borders.
Furthermore, as mentioned earlier, some Confederate leaders opposed
slavery and were willing to abolish it. The Confederate Constitution mandated
free trade and made it very hard for the government to raise taxes on its
citizens. It forbade the general government from getting involved in welfare
and from using taxpayer money for "internal improvements" (i.e.,
public works projects and corporate welfare).
It also made it easier for the president to block wasteful spending by
permitting him to use a line-item veto. Confederate citizens enjoyed all the
rights that we enjoy today, if not more.
Finally, it needs to be observed that the
Confederacy did not engage in rebellion or insurrection against the federal
government. Secession is not the same thing as rebellion or insurrection, and
it's certainly not treason. Only if one
defines “rebellion” solely as resistance to aggression and invasion can one say
the Confederacy engaged in rebellion.
Thomas Jefferson recognized the right of a state to leave the Union in peace, even if he didn't agree with the state's
reason for leaving. The state of Massachusetts
threatened to secede in the early 1800s, and its leaders obviously believed
they had the right to do so. President John Quincy Adams likewise believed a
state had the right to secede. So did President John Tyler. So did the great
constitutional scholar William Rawle, who was appointed as U.S. Attorney for Pennsylvania by George Washington, and whose book A
View of the Constitution was adopted as a textbook at West
Point and at other institutions.
So did another early American legal giant, George Tucker. When the U.S. Constitution was ratified,
three of the states specified in their ratification ordinances that their
citizens retained the right to resume the powers of government if they felt the
need to do so. Virginia
cited this fact in its ordinance of secession.
The Southern states attempted to leave the Union peacefully. In fact, before the war began, most
Southerners believed secession would be a peaceful process. The Southern states
seceded in a peaceful, democratic manner, with the overwhelming support of
their citizens. One of the first acts of the Confederate government was to send
commissioners to Washington,
D.C., in an effort to establish
peaceful relations with the North. The Confederacy was prepared to pay
compensation for all federal installations within its borders, to pay for the
Southern states' fair share of the national debt, and to allow Northern ships
to continue to use the Mississippi River. The
Confederacy neither attempted nor desired to overthrow the federal government.
It wanted to be left alone and to live in peace with the North. Even after the confrontation at Fort Sumter,
which Lincoln
later admitted he provoked, the Confederacy expressed its desire for peace.
Michael T. Griffith holds a Master’s degree in Theology
from The Catholic Distance University, a Graduate Certificate in Ancient and
Classical History from American Military University, a Bachelor of Science
degree in Liberal Arts from Excelsior College, two Associate in Applied Science
degrees from the Community College of the Air Force, and an Advanced
Certificate of Civil War Studies and a Certificate of Civil War Studies from
Carroll College. He is a two-time graduate in Arabic and Hebrew of the Defense
Language Institute in Monterey, California, and of the U.S. Air Force Technical Training
School in San Angelo, Texas. He is the author of four books on
Mormonism and ancient texts, and of one book on the John F. Kennedy
assassination. He has completed advanced Hebrew programs at Haifa University
in Israel and at the Spiro
Institute in London, England.
Mike Griffith's Civil War Website